Increasing storage life of fish, meat, egg, vegetables, fruits in Cold Storages, non-veg store, green veg and fruit store by preventing Infection deposits on food and automatically suppressing excess Ethylene released by the green veggies.
In this operation it also controls cross infection by killing the surface germs. "Incorporating the technology in a green food store or non veg store, the storage life of food increases "SUBSTANTIALLY".
Most importantly, it leaves NO TOXIC RESIDUE.
The life of stored food can be increased by :
Fish : 50 - 80%
Salmon : 50%
Jack Mackerel and Shimaaji (fish) : 1.2 - 1.6 days
Beef (frozen) : 30 - 40%
Poultry : 2.4 days
Bananas : substantial
Strawberries, Raspberries, Currents, Grapes : 100%
Apples : Several days
Potatoes : 6 months
Eggs : 8 months
Cheeses : 63 days